Kontenjan 10 kişi ile sınırlıdır

Atölye Dili: İngilizce

Atölye Süresi: 3 Saat

Atölye Tarihi: 6 Eylül Cuma 13:00 16:00

Atölyeye Katılım İçin: https://www.utadconference.com/registration/

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Atölye sonunda katılım belgesi verilecektir.


Participants are introduced to the idea that participatory and immersive theatre productions often include elements that invoke potential psychological and social risks. While these performances also have a unique array of physical risks, traditional risk assessments often cover these. However, the psychological and social risks often aren’t considered in the same methodical fashion.

In small groups, participants will build their own cults and develop an initiation ceremony. Cults were specifically chosen as a subject matter to increase the element of risk and also because of their performative nature. These are the instructions for the activity:

• Build your cult/club and develop an initiation ceremony for your new followers.
• What is the name of your cult/club?
• What does your organization believe?
• What is the initiation ceremony for new cult members?
• Please be prepared to share this information when we reconvene.

Participants will create cults, develop beliefs, and plan initiation ceremonies in small groups. They’ll discuss hesitations and risk mitigations, mapping risks in immersive theatre and considering cultural influences on safety perceptions. We will also discuss how cultural factors could influence different perceptions of what is ‘safe’ and what’s not.

This workshop blends tradition, risk management, and the future of care-driven art, emphasizing stage management’s role in audience care, especially in participatory forms.

Author Bio:

Melissa Bondar is a PhD candidate at the University of Greenwich where she studies risk and care in immersive performance. She is also a professional stage manager. After obtaining her B.A. from Stockton University and her M.A. from the University of Sheffield, she ran off and joined the circus for a while. Her research interests include stage management scenography, risk management, care ethics, immersive theatre, and accessibility.